Our Mission

Our mission is to promote economic growth and stability for the equestrian community in Southwest Virginia by providing opportunities for all levels of riders.

Our Purpose

The purpose of SWVEP is to provide a cohesive, competitive, rule-abiding, horse show organization to all levels of the hunter/jumper community in Southwest Virginia and to educate members and competitors on good horsemanship, sportsmanship, and riding practices. We plan to promote quality horse shows that will benefit show managers, exhibitors, and horses.


The goal is to bring more riders into the sport, give them a show series to use as a stepping stone to SWVHJA/ VHSA Associate and allow them to earn high score awards as well as allow show managers the ability to host horse shows as schedules suit.



All SWVEP member shows will follow the rules of VHSA, USEF, and USHJA where applicable. Modifications are made to accommodate local conditions.